
Ofcom - The Regulator
Ofcom Amateur Section
UK Communications Act 2003
Radio Society of Great Britain
RSGB Spectrum Forum
RSGB ETCC Repeater Management - inc ATV, Beacon Apps
RSGB Propagation Studies Committee
Radio Communications Foundation - RCF
RSGB Microwave Pages
Amsat-UK, NA, DL, BB - Amateur Satellites
BATC - Amateur TV
IARU, Region-1, 2, 3


CAD Software
Extracts from the Radio Regulations

General UK Microwaves - mail reflector
ON4KST Microwave Chat
Online Microwave Museum - Classic Stuff !
Peter Day G3PHO - The World Above 1GHz
Sam Jewell G4DDK - Microwave Radio
John Worsnop G4BAO - Microwave PAs
Paul Wade W1GHZ - Microwave Antenna Designs
Kuhne Electronics, DB6NT - Microwave Kits
Charles Suckling G3WDG - Microwave Kits
Andy Talbot G4JNT - DDS for Beacons, PICs, Software
David Wrigley G6GXK - Microwave Sources
Torbay ATV & Microwave Group - GB3TB
Microwave Update
Greek Microwave Group
North Texas Microwave Society
Weak Signal and SDR Software - inc Spectran
WSJT Home Page - JT44, JT65 et al
240GHz - Yes, it can be done !


UK Beacons Reflector
UK Beacons
Beacon Spots -
IARU Region-1 VHF/Microwave Beacons
South Coast Repeater and Beacon Group - GB3SCX etc Bell Hill Beacons
Martlesham Beacons - GB3MHZ
GB3NGI N.Ireland Cluster
GB3MCB Cornish Beacons
French Beacons
Swedish Beacons
